Sites Worth Seeing

Links to Solid Sources

  1. Library of Congress This is a great site for history buffs, there are archives of everything! Even games for kids. I have to be careful when I go to this one because I could lose a whole day trying to learn everything there is to learn on this site.
  2. Paperback Swap I adore paperback swap! What is the best way to gather information quickly? BOOKS! This site lets you post your old books to get credits for new ones. It doesn't cost anything but the shipping on the books you post, when you order a book you don't have to pay a dime. Even if you don't want to learn, you just want to read silly romance novels, check this one out. They have something for everybody.
  3. NPR News This has become my replacement for cable news. I am in love. You can also link to their podcasts, other articles about "arts & life," and "music."